Chambered in 308 WIN or 6.5 Creedmoor, the M1A series includes the SOCUM, Scout Squad, Standard Issue, Loaded, National Match, and Super Match, all delivering the military-grade performance you require in hunting or sport shooting engagements. Rule 1 - Follow Reddiquette Rule 2 - Harassment & Witchhunting Rule 3 - Low Effort/Low Quality Rule 4 - Duplicates Bugs & Glitches Rule 5 - Self Promotion & Spam Rule 6 - Advertising, Selling etc. The Springfield M1A for sale is a high-performance semi-automatic rifle with the looks and feel of the classic US Military M14. The ones for this job was the M1A Tanker, Delta P Design’s SOCOM Muzzle Thread Adapter, Sadlak Industries Gas Cylinder Wrench, a 3/8 socket and wrench (or some other gas plug removal tool), a small flat head screwdriver, and an Allen key set. To do any job right you need the correct materials. I have a SOCOM 16 and no plans for a suppressor ever.When properly adjusted, the M1A rifle can reliably run a full-size sound suppressor. The gas system is fixed and non-adjustable, and the muzzle threads or lack thereof are not standard 5/8×24, which is what is needed for most muzzle devices. CPTKILLER Registered Joined 3,245 Posts 12 The M1A line was never designed from the factory to be suppressed. 308 alone.maybe someday a rifle that can be suppressed will be purchased, not today. One seven slot rail and two three slot rails. M1A SOCOM 16 7.62x51mm NATO/.308 Winchester 16.25 Inch Carbon Barrel Black Composite 5 Position CQB Stock 10 Round Mag M-Lok Rail System.

A ten-round magazine is included with the CQB. Nope, never did suppress the M1A.just left it, and the bolt action. Springfield M1A SOCOM 308 Win, 16' Barrel, M-Lok Rail System, CQB Stock, 10rd Mag.

Keep it fun, keep it respectful and remember that in the end - it's just a game. Suppressing The M1A Tanker: The Right Materials. Since the Socom 16 CQB is a member of the M1A family, it accepts all the same magazines as other M1A models so users can choose from 5, 10, or 20-round magazines. If you did buy an M1A, sales figures indicate that you probably picked up either a no-frills standard model with 22-inch barrel and composite stock, SOCOM 16 or a more radical SOCOM II with 16-inch barrel. The power to shape this community is in your hands. If you are one of the thousands who bought an M1A from Springfield Armory in the last few years, you might be considering this very question.